Cumberland County Memorial Day Events
Honor Fallen Soldiers
Cumberland County communities are commemorating Memorial Day 2018 with parades, memorial services, wreath-laying ceremonies and other events. Read on for Memorial Day events in Cumberland County NJ …
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2018 Bridgeton Memorial Day Ceremony
May 28 2018
12:00pm – Broad Street Cemetery
Bridgeton NJ Memorial Day Services will include a special observance of the 100th anniversary of World War I. Broad Street Cemetery Association and the Friends of Old Broad Street Church in Bridgeton will sponsor a program to honor World War I veterans on the 100th anniversary of the war from noon to 3:30pm at the cemetery at Broad Street and West Avenue.
Visitors are invited to bring a lunch and enjoy a picnic and then walk through the 1792 church sanctuary, stopping to view exhibits about World War I.
At 12:45pm, the program inside the church will begin with Mayor Albert Kelly speaking on “What the Flag Means to me.” Stanger’s Band will play songs popular in the 1920s and stories about WWI and some of the local veterans will be read to those gathered. There will even be quotes from letters written from Germany, during the war, to relatives in the United States.
After the Roll Call of the 57 WWI veterans buried in the Broad Street Cemetery and following a brief explanation of the “Flag Memorial Ceremony,” everyone is encouraged to participate in this ceremony by unfurling the 20×30-foot American flag spread on the lawn outside near the church.
Closing ceremonies begin at 3pm with the Mead-Woodward VFW Post 1795 presenting a gun salute. There will be a firing of the Model 1848 Mt. Howitzer by Steve Osborn, a Vietnam veteran and, finally, “Taps” will be played by Lou Guinta, leader of Stanger’s Band.
2018 Millville Memorial Day Parade
May 28 2018
The annual Millville Memorial Day Parade will begin at 9am. The parade will proceed down Veteran’s Way to High Street, continuing south on High Street to Main Street, then west on Main Street to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. There will be a pause at the Maurice River Bridge for a naval service.
2018 Vineland Memorial Day Parade
May 28 2018
The annual Vineland Memorial Day Parade begins at 9:00am. The parade starts at Myrtle Street and Landis Avenue, heading down Landis Avenue toward the boulevard and ends at Veteran’s Park.
Do you know of more Memorial Day events in Cumberland County NJ? Contact us and let us know about them!