Hunterdon County NJ Remembers
Sacrifices of Those Who Served
2018 Updates Coming Soon!
Hunterdon County communities are commemorating Memorial Day 2017 with parades, memorial services, wreath-laying ceremonies and other events. Read on for Memorial Day events in Hunterdon County NJ …
Califon 2017 Memorial Day Parade and Service
May 29 2017
11:00am – Parade
Califon Borough’s annual Memorial Day parade will begin at 11am on School Street. The parade will proceed down Main Street to Califon Island Park. A Memorial Day service will take place at at the close of the parade next to the Califon Veterans Memorial. The 15th New Jersey closes the service with a 21-gun salute.
Flemington 2017 Memorial Day Parade & Ceremony
May 29 2017
Flemington’s annual Memorial Day parade begins at 10am on Church Street, turning right onto Main Street, pausing at a reviewing stand in front of the Old Courthouse, and ending at the Veterans Monument at the Main Street split. Following the parade, a brief Memorial Day ceremony will be held at the Veterans Monument.
Franklin Township 2017 Memorial Day Observance
May 29 2017
The Quakertown Fire Company will host its annual Memorial Day observance at Franklin Township School in Quakertown at 9:15am. The ceremony will take place inside the school in the event of rain.
Frenchtown 2017 Memorial Day Parade
May 29 2017
The Frenchtown Memorial Day parade will begin from Old Frenchtown Field at 10am and will follow the usual route and program. The first stop will be at the Doughboy statue in front of the school where a wreath will be laid, a prayer said and salutes fired. The next stop will be at the American Legion Hall at Sixth and Harrison streets, with speeches and music by Delaware Valley High School’s Golden Regiment marching band. A wreath will be laid, a prayer said, and taps will be played. On the Delaware River bridge, a salute will be fired, and down below, a flower boat will be launched in memory of sailors lost at sea. An airplane will make a low pass over the bridge and over the last stop in the Frenchtown Cemetery, dropping flowers. Prayers will be offered at the bridge and the cemetery.
Glen Gardner 2017 Memorial Day Ceremony
May 29 2017
The Glen Gardner Memorial Day ceremony will take place at VFW Post 5119 beginning at 10am. The ceremony will be followed by light refreshments.
High Bridge 2017 Memorial Day Ceremony
May 27 2017
The High Bridge Memorial Day ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 27th, at 11am at Hoffman Memorial Park (West Main Street).
Lambertville 2017 Memorial Day Parade
May 29 2017
Lambertville’s annual Memorial Day parade will begin at 9am at the corner of North Union and Cherry streets. The parade will travel south on Union Street, stopping briefly to lay a wreath at City Hall, continuing south on Union Street to Mount Hope Street, and then north on Main Street to York Street, ending at Mary Sheridan Park with a Memorial Day ceremony.
Milford VFW Post 7857
Flag Placement at Cemeteries
May 20 2017
Milford’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7857 will be placing American Flags at the Milford Union Cemetery at 9am on Saturday, 5/20/17. Following the flag placement at Milford Union Cemetery, flag placement will take place at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Members of the local community are invited to participate in flag placement.
Readington Township
2017 Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony
May 29 2017
Readington Township’s annual Memorial Day parade will begin at 10:30am at the Whitehouse Mall and continue south on Route 523 through Whitehouse Station to the Municipal Building. A flag-raising ceremony will be held in front of the Municipal Building immediately following the parade. Following the Memorial Day observances, township residents are invited to Community Day at Pickell Park.
Do you know of more Memorial Day events in Hunterdon County NJ that should be included here? Contact us and let us know about them!
Featured Photo Credit: Ian Sane via Flickr

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