Free Museums in Warren County NJ
Offer Budget-Friendly Fun
Looking for a budget-friendly day out in Warren County NJ? Free Warren County museums where you can explore art, local history, nature, and more are a great destination! Learn more here…
Note: Please keep in mind that these free Warren County museums need your support. If you are able, please consider making a donation when you visit.
Free Museums in Warren County NJ
Blairstown Museum
26 Main Street
Blairstown, NJ
The Blairstown Museum features a collection of over 2,000 items that illustrate the history of Blairstown and its inhabitants, including former resident and namesake John Insley Blair, an entrepreneur, railroad magnate, philanthropist, and one of the wealthiest men of the 19th century. Museum collections are on display on a rotating basis throughout the year.
Jim & Mary Lee Morris Canal Museum at Plane 9 West
477 Route 519 South
Stewartsville, NJ
The Jim and Mary Lee Museum is a small museum located at the site of Morris Canal Plane 9 West and the former home of the late James S. Lee, Sr., Morris Canal author and historian. Visitors can walk the inclined plane, tour the remains of the powerhouse, tailrace, and turbine chamber as well as the museum which is filled with an impressive collection of Morris Canal artifacts.
Do you know of other free museums in Warren County NJ that should be included here? Contact us!
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