Earth Day Events In Essex County To Include Tree Giveaway, Clean Up Day, Family Fun!
April 22nd marks the 47th observance of Earth Day and Things To Do In New Jersey is your source for 2016 Earth Day events in Essex County, New Jersey! Read on for 2016 Earth Day activities and celebrations happening around Essex County in the coming weeks. Be sure to follow the links for more information – some events require registration or have suggested age ranges.
Do you know of another Essex County Earth Day event that has not been listed here? Comment below to have it included! This listing will be updated as more Earth Day events in Essex County are announced.
Earth Day Events In Essex County NJ
11th Annual Essex County Earth Day Celebration
Essex County Environmental Center
621 Eagle Rock Avenue
Roseland, New Jersey
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Celebrate Earth Day at the Essex County Environmental Center! Activities at this Earth Day event will include crafts, games, and recreational opportunities, such as canoeing and hiking. Enjoy demonstrations, information, a local eco-vendors’ sale, with Environmental Center staff and partner groups on hand to guide you throughout the day. and more. Earth Day at the Essex County Environmental Center is a free event.
Turtle Back Zoo – Party for the Planet
Turtle Back Zoo
560 Northfield Avenue
West Orange, New Jersey
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Celebrate Earth Day at the Turtle Back Zoo’s annual Earth Day event, Party for the Planet ! Activities at this Essex County Earth Day event will include special programs that will help visitors discover ways to connect to and protect the environment, earth friendly exhibitors, and (of course) visits with the wonderful animals that make the Earth so special. Admission to Turtle Back Zoo is $14 for adults, $11 for senior citizens and children 2 and up, and free for children under 2 years old.
Verona Tree Giveaway and Cleanup
Grove Park
42 Grove Avenue
Verona, New Jersey
Saturday, April 30, 2016
9:00am to 11:00am
Verona residents seeking to enrich their yards and benefit the environment can obtain free tree seedlings (while supplies last) at Grove Park in Verona on April 30th. All the seedlings will be native tree species, which means that in addition to providing beauty and shade, they also help support our native birds. The 1′ to 3′ high bare root tree seedlings will come with planting instructions. The Verona Environmental Commission will also host a park cleanup, to register please email Walk-ins are welcome. Work boots and gloves are recommended. Please bring a reusable water bottle.
Verona 2nd Annual Green Fair
Verona Civic Center Square
600 Bloomfield Avenue
Verona, New Jersey
Saturday, May 21, 2016
11:00am to 4:00pm
The Verona Environmental Commission will provide local recycling information and free recycling bins and barrels will be available for pick-up. The giveaway is open to Verona residents. The Green Fair is free and open to the public.

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