All posts by EJ

The 9 Best Places in NJ to Visit for Hamilton Fans

9 Must-See New Jersey Destinations for Hamilton Fans!

Living in the state of New Jersey means that – no matter where you go – you’re within driving distance of the places where our revolutionary founding fathers made history and made this country. None of those founding fathers have been as intertwined with modern pop culture as Alexander Hamilton, the most recent example of this being an entire Broadway musical dedicated to his life story, one which you’ve – no doubt – encountered in your day to day life.… Read more...

10 Best Places To Play Pokemon Go In New Jersey

Pokemon Go In New Jersey –
The Best Spots To Play

The Pokémon Go epidemic is sweeping the world, with people officially spending more time per day on the app than on Facebook or Snapchat! The craze has taken a firm hold in New Jersey as well – everywhere you look, New Jerseyans are playing Pokémon Go!… Read more...